SpanishRevolution May 2011

Facts about Spanish revolution

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Spanish Revolution Facts

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Everything starts on May 15th 2011 when the platform Democracia Real Ya (Real Democracy Now) gathers a few hundred people in Madrid’s Plaza del Sol to protest against current political system. This happens 7 days before the day of local elections in Spanish regions and cities.

Very important reasons will make thousands of people attend this protest and similar protests will emerge in most important Spanish cities. Unemployment in Spain reaches around 5 Million people, and for the youth it reaches 50%. Distance between politicians and Spaniards has increased significantly during the last years and many people believe they are not represented any more by the Political class.

Due to the local elections on May 22nd, protests are forbidden so that they do not have an impact on election results. This makes people in Spain support even more the protests and thousands of people join the protests, defying the Government. Main message from the people on the streets is “Do not vote for them” which refers to the two major parties in Spain, PP and PSOE, which are the ones to alternate on power.

Written by kikealca

May 21, 2011 at 12:29 pm